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Location: Fairbanks, Alaska, United States

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Winter doldrums

T and I have been in a rut these past few weeks, but I think we are slowly working our way out of it. We've had several tragic deaths occur over the past month, all in Iraq. One soldier I knew personally (and her husband worked closely with Jody), and the other two were in Jody's unit. Thankfully, I've been able to keep this news from T. I've had a hard enough time dealing with it. The news of these deaths would crush T, and he would be more worried than ever about his dad, who is constantly in harm's way. Today marks our halfway point through this deployment. One can only hope the remaining six months go by safely and quickly.

The last few weeks were made even more difficult because of the extremely cold temperatures. For about three weeks our high temps hovered around the -30's and -40's - much too cold to do any outdoor activities. We did get out and mainly haunted Fred Meyer and WalMart (just to get out of the house), and visited Glow Putt a few times. I do love Alaska, but this winter has really taken its toll on me. I just want to curl up in bed and wait until spring arrives.

That isn't to say we haven't been busy. I broke down and bought both T and I Nintendo DS's (much to T's shock and excitment). We've been playing Animal Crossing and have had a great time working in our little towns and visiting each other. T has already finished Star Wars Episode III on DS and is now immersed in Sims 2. When it comes to video games, the DS is much more my speed. T's PS2 is way too complicated for me.

Jody also introduced us to "Smallville," a TV show on the WB. It's almost become a nightly ritual to watch one DVD a night to catch us up on the past four seasons.


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