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Location: Fairbanks, Alaska, United States

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I feel lazy. Completely and utterly lazy. Not that T and I don't do anything, but we are getting up later and later each day. It is wonderful to catch up on some much needed sleep.

T had Jr Nordics today. While he went off to ski, I stayed behind in the lodge and read. He came back pretty bumped up, physically and emotionally. They had skied on a trail dubbed "Roller Coaster," and T had his share of falls along the way. At one point, he hit his head and one of the other skiers proceeded to laugh at his troubles. Poor kid has such a sensitive nature that the laughing probably hurt worse than any bruises he might have received today.

This afternoon T discovered the auctions on Neopets. Oh joy. Today Neopets, tomorrow eBay. He's been checking on several items for hours now, making sure that he is still the highest bidder. He wants items for his shop. Donald Trump, T is not. He'll buy things for his shop and then sell them for less than the price he bought them for. His reasoning? He thinks people are charging way too much, and T wants everyone to be able to afford to buy things.

We finished making the Turkish Delight this evening,'s none too delightful. It was like playing with incredibly sticky and thick slime, and it was insanely sweet. And not a yummy chocolate sweet, but a fruity sweet (it was made with oranges). Icky, icky, icky.

Before heading to bed T and I critiqued bits and pieces of "The Mummy Returns." T can pick out the tiniest mistakes and details in movies. I truly wish I had his skill of observation.


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