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Location: Fairbanks, Alaska, United States

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Today was pretty low-key. Both T and I slept in quite late and spend the morning reading (me) and playing on the computer (T). In the afternoon we ran a few errands in order to get ready for the impending visit of the grandparents....a stop at the Class 6 for wine and Alaska Amber was in order.

After school got out T had a friend over to play for a few hours. They bounced around from watching movies, playing Playstation, and messing with T's neopets.

Most of T's evening was spent on the computer and choreographing/photograping more clone trooper battles, while I watched LOST (a rerun, darnit!). I did figure out how to scan documents into pdf format tonight - go me!

While we were driving around this afternoon, T piped up and said he was "happy." It was strange. I can't remember the last time he just exclaimed how he was feeling. I'm thinking that pulling him from school was the best thing we could have done.


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