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Location: Fairbanks, Alaska, United States

Friday, December 09, 2005

Oh, the moodiness that constant togetherness creates...or does it? Poor T has had the worst time sleeping over the past several days, and I think it is really starting to show in his overrall mood and attitude during his waking hours.

We went to see "Narnia" today, and I was really surprised at how full the theater was, especially for a school day. There were a handful of kids, but the vast majority were adults. It was a very good and wellmade movie! The villain (the White Witch) was despicable, just as a villain should be, and downright creepy.

After the movie, we ran a few quick errands, and I realized that I had left T's new book, "Star Wars: Phantom menace" at the theater. By the time we arrived at the theater, the book was nowhere to be found. T gave me the silent, pouty, ugly-look treatment for a few hours.

As the afternoon wore on, T became more agreeable (must've been the time on neophytes....) and was eager to go to "The Nutcracker." My enthusiasm had really waned...I was tired and just not in a good mood. We did go, however -- at least for a bit.

At the intermission, T asked if we could leave, and I was more than ready. I must be a completely uncultured swine, but I found it to be incredibly tedious and downright boring. The few crying kids and the constant whispering/talking of the people a few rows behind us had T about ready to go over the edge.

Before heading home, we stopped at Taco Bell to grab some late dinner. On the way home, T started laughing hysterically and was constantly cracking himself up over his invented jokes. It seems like his mood improves as the day goes on.

During dinner (grilled chipotle burritos - not bad!) we got into a discussion of who is the most evil --- the Scarecrow, the Steward of Gondor, or the White Witch. I voted for a tie between the Steward and the Witch. T thought it would most definitely be the Steward. LOL

At some point during the day, T asked me what Turkish delight is. It was somesort of candy/sweet that one of the characters in "Narnia" is quite fond of. I had no clue as to what it actually was so I googled it for T and came up with a recipe. He asked if we could make some so I will probably pick up the ingredients tomorrow.

It looks to be another late night affair at our house. It is nearly 1AM, and here I am, typing away with T still awake listening to "Harry Potter" -- he's almost finished with the audio book, by the way.


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